Thursday, March 12, 2015

Final approval of thesis Sample

TBA Thesis Sample
1.       Title Page
2.       Letter of Declaration
3.       Recommendation Page
4.       Approval Sheet
5.       Acknowledgements
6.       Table of Contents
7.       List of Tables (if any)
8.       List of Figures (if any)
9.       Abbreviations (if any)
10.   The Main Text
11.   Appendix (if any)
12.   Photos (if any)
13.   Bibliography
Sample A Title page for M. A. Thesis
Title of Thesis in capital letters
A Dissertation Submitted to
the Theravada Buddhist Academy,                                                                                                                                affiliated to  Lumbini Buddhist University
in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Masters of Art in Therevada Buddhism

(Candidate's full name)
Roll No…………
LBU Registration No................................

Lumbini, Nepal

zf]wkqsf] zLif{s
y]/jfb a'4wd{df :gftsf]Q/ pkflwsf] cf+lzs kl/k"lt{sf] lglDt
n'lDagL af}4 ljZjljBfnoaf6 ;DaGwg k|fKt
y]/jfb a'l4i6 Ps]8]dLdf k]z ul/Psf]

/f]n g+=
n'= af}= lj= /lhi6«]zg g+= ===================================
n'lDagL af}4 ljZjljBfno
n'lDagL, g]kfn

I, undersigned, declare that this thesis submitted to the Theravada Buddhist Academy, affiliated to Lumbini Buddhist University for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Master in Arts in Theravada Buddhism and the work contained herein is my original work with exception to the citations and that this work has not been submitted at any university, either in part or in its entirely, for the award of any degree.

d, lgDglnlvt x:tfIf/stf{,n] of] zf]3kq, n'lDagL af}4 ljZjljBfno;‘u ;DaGwg k|fKt y]/jfb a'l4i6 Ps]8]dLdf y]/jfb a'4wd{df :gftsf]Q/ pkflwsf] cflzs kl/k"lt{sf] nflu k]z u/]sf] 3f]if0ff ub{5' . o; zf]wkqdf plNnlvt sfo{df ;Gbe{ ;"rL afx]ssf] d]/f] cfk\mg} df}lns ePsf] / o; zf]wkqnfO{ c? s'g} ljZjljBfnodf k"0f{ ¿kdf jf cf+lzs ¿kdf s'g} klg k|sf/sf] pkflwsf nflu k]z u/]sf] 5}g .

Letter of Recommendation

This is to Certify that Mr./Ms…………………………….            has completed this dissertation entitled …………….... under my supervision. He/ She has made best use of available sources. I, hereby, recommend this for evaluation.

Zff]w lgb]{zssf] :jLs[lt kq

>L============================n] k|:t't ug'{ ePsf] ==============================zLif{ssf] zf]wkq d]/f] lgb]{zgdf tof/ kfg'{ ePsf] xf] . pxf‘n] pknAw >f]tx¿sf] clwstd k|of]u ul/Psf] b]lvPsf] x'gfn] o;sf] cfjZos d"NofÍ0fsf nflu l;kmfl/z ub{5' .
zf]w lgb]{zs
                           Letter of Approval   

It is certified that this thesis entitled ……………………………………..submitted by Mr./Ms. …….. ………………………… has been approved to meet the fulfillment of the partial requirements for the Master of Arts in Theravada Buddhism.

1.      Coordinator                 ……………………..
2.      External Evaluator      ……………………..                       
3.      Supervisor                   ..........................

:jLs[lt kq
>L===========================n] tof/ ug'{ ePsf] ===============================zLif{ssf] of] zf]wkq y]/jfb a'4wd{df :gftsf]Q/ pkflwsf] cf+lzs kl/k"lt{sf] lglDt pko'St b]lvPsf]n] :jLs[t ul/Psf] 5 .
!= ;+of]hs ====================
@= jfx\o k/LIfs  =================
#= zf]w lgb]{zs=========================

s[t1tf 1fkg
ljBfyL{sf] gfd

LETTER OF APPROVAL………………………………………………………..

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………………………..
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………………………
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………………………………….

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….
CHAPTERS   II     III      IV   ect.
CHAPTER  V. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………….

Chapter headings should be typed in Capital Letters and their subdivisions in small letters with the initial letter of the principal words capitalized. Heading should be placed at the centre, underlined or bold faced or italics. Sub –headings and sub-sub headings– at the left, underlined or bold-faced or italics.

Citation of Footnotes
Bimala Churn Law, A History of Pali Literature, Varanasi : Indica Books, 2000, p. 34.

lq/Tg dfgGw/, cfly{s ;/f]sf/ / a'4sf] lzIff, sf7df8f}+M dbg t'nfwf/ ædt'Æ, a'=;+=@%%^, k[=! .

In case of Edited and Translated Books
P.V. Bapat (ed.), 2500 Years of Buddhism, New Delhi: The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India, 1997, pp. 51- 55.
H. A, Giles (tr.), The Travels of Fa-hsien or Record of the Buddhist Kingdom, Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, 1923, p.8.

leIf' 1fgk"l0f{s -cg'=_, a'4 / a'4jafb, k'gd'{b|0f, lb skf]{/]6 abL ckm b a'4 Ph's]zgn kmfp08]zg, tfOjfg, !((!, k[= % .

In case of two writers
Bhikshu Kumara Kashap and Bhikshu Sudarsan, Dasaparamita, Kathmandu: Bhimratna Harsharatna, B.S. 2029, p.4.

leIf' zLneb| / dx]Gb|/Tg zfSo, kl/olQlzIff, nlntk'/M g]kfn af}4 kl/olQ ;ldlt, k'gd'{b|0f, lb skf]{/]6 abL ckm b a'4 Ph's]zgn kmfp08]zg, tfOjfg, !((^, k[= % .

Name of the writer followed by a comma, title of article in double inverted comma followed by a comma, name of the journal (underlined or bold-faced or italics) followed by a comma, volume number, month and year of publication and page number.
Bhikkhu Kolita, " Discrimination to Nepalese Buddhists", Viswa Shanti, Year 10, No. 10, (May  2000), pp. 53-57.

leIf' lgu|f]w, æg]kfndf y]/jfb a'4wd{sf] P]ltxfl;s k[i7e"ld Pj+ kl/olQ lzIffsf] ljsf; qmdÆ, uf]Gkf ljxf/ ;Gb]z, jif{ !, c+s @, lj=;+= @)&), k[= #^ .

cldtf wfVjf, ælqnIf0f -ltnSv0f_Æ, a'4 hoGtL :j0f{—pT;j :dfl/sf -a'=;+= @%)(—@%@*_, @)!$, k[=!@%—!#) .

dx]Gb| /Tg zfSo,  æa'4wd{df wd{sf] cy{Æ, ljZj zflGt, jif{ !!, c+s !!, -d] @))!_, k[=!—& .

For the news item or editorial, simply write the name of the newspaper, day, month, year and page number.
For the article published in a newspaper, the name of the writer, title of the article, mane of the newspaper, day, month and year, and page number should be mentioned.

Pp6f kfbl6Kk0fLs nut} kl5 ;f]xL kfbl6Kk0fL km]/L n]Vg' k/]df P]hg jf Ibid n]Vg' k5{ . t/ nut} kl5 gcfO{ c¿ kfbl6Kk0fL kl5 /fVg'kg]{ ePdf kfb l6Kk0fL g+= @,k[= $% cflb n]lvG5 . h:t}
!= /Lgf t'nfw/ -algof_, u'? blIf0ff, sf7df8f}+M wd{sLlt{ af}4 cWoog uf]i7L, @)!@, k[=% .
@= P]hg .
#= P]hg, k[= * .
$= t'nfwf/, kfbl6Kk0fL g+=!, k[= # .

1 Nalinaksha Dutt, Buddhist Sects in India, Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas Publishers, 1978, p. 6.
2 Ibid, p. 24.
3 Dutt, f.n. 1, p. 45.
4 op cit, f.n. 1, p. 45.

Conze , Edward,  A Short History of Buddhism, New Delhi: Research Press. 1999.
cgfufl/sf, cUu`f0fL, kfln lzIff / ;+lIfKt Jofs/0f, sf7df8f}+M lbn/Tg, ljBf zFSo, @)!) .
jh|frfo{, b'08axfb'/ -cg'=_,  dlHemdlgsfo, nlntk'/M jL/—k"0f{ k':ts ;+u|xfno, !((& .
Journal article
dfgGw/, dbg /Tg, æ:jwd{—k/wd{Æ, wd{ rIf' -wd{lznf a'4 ljxf/ kf]v/fsf] af}4 dfl;s_, jif{ &, c+s (, r}q a}zfv, @)^).@)^! .
cgfufl/sf, ~ff0fjtL, æa'l4i6 sDo'lgs]zg ;]G6/of b'hM ;Nnfxsf/ k"Ho ;'bz{g eGt]Æ, cfgGbe"ld, jif{ #), c+s %, efb| k"l0f{df, @))@ .
Translation of another author's book
Dumoulin, Heinrich S.J., A history of Zen Buddhism, Eng. tr. Paul Peachey, Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.
Foreign Language Books
Pradhan, Bhuwan Lal, Nepalma Baudha Dharma (Buddhism in Nepal), Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, 2045 V.S.
Edited Book

Bapat, P. V. (ed.), 2500 Years of Buddhism, Delhi: The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1959.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. How are we going to properly cite websites? Please give us some examples.
